We’re bringing back the Black Girl* Magic Film Series and we’re looking for short film and video submissions by Black womxn* FTLI filmmakers for a screening during Black History Month in Berlin, Germany. Our third installment of the series is being presented in collaboration with White Guilt Clean Up and Frauenkreise Berlin, where it will take place. The resilience and power of creativity in the face of discrimination, injustice, and everyday violence is truly magical. We are excited to celebrate Blackness beyond mainstream tropes and through the lenses of Black womxn* once again with new filmmakers and and new stories.
What we’re looking for:
Short films and videos by Black womxn* FLTI of any genre and exploring any theme. Bonus for films with themes of creativity, power, resilience, and joy of Black Girl* Magic. We’re looking to fill about 90 minutes of runtime.
All filmmakers are invited to join in the discussion! Berlin-based? You’re welcome to join us at the screening. Not in town? No worries, we would love to have you call in online.
How to submit:
- Send an email to hello@artistswac.chaoslab.in with the subject Film Submission: Black Girl Magic
- Include your film as a downloadable link or link to online viewable in the body of the email.
- If you’re sending something over Wetransfer, please include the link in the body of the email, don’t just sent it via Wetransfer’s system. It often isn’t obvious who it is from!
- Include a film description and artist biography, maximum of 500 words each, in the body of the email.
- Let us know if you would like to join the discussion at the screening, either in person or calling in.
We’re accepting submissions until January 15th, 2020 and the screening will take place during Black History Month in February.
The program will be finalized by February and all submitters will be notified then.
Selected artists will be compensated.